Driving toward the mountains and Shangri-La. A view fo the countryside on our 4 hour drive to Shangri-La. One of the two truck crashes we saw along the mountain roads. The snowcapped mountains are beautiful. A rest stop alng the route - Our MiniVan. A water buffalo we saw along the way. Our route took us along the Yankzee River for several miles. More great views of the snowcapped mountains. A mountain stream flows beside the road. A small waterfall flows into the stream. Another view of the stream. A view of the snowcapped mountains and farm field along the way. Another of our rest stops along the way. Our hotel in Shangri-La. The front of our hotel in the evening. A Tibetian prayer monument in a town square. The monastery in Shangri-La lit up in the evening. The "United Coffee House" written in Chinese and Tibetian on the sign. A small child watching the people passing by. Enjoying a break in the evening. Walking through the sreets of Shangri-La. At the entrance to "Potatso National Park". Horses grazzing near the lake in the park. Andrea, Brad and Claudette by the lake in the park. A Chinese Chipmonk we saw in the park. Pretty blue flowers growing wild in the park. The path along the lake is beautiful. There is spanish moss on many of the tree in the park. Brad by the lake A Tibetain woman in her native custom. The walkway goes all the way around the lake. Brad and Andrea on the walk through the park. Horses grazzing near the park lake. Yaks grazzing in a corn field. A hot springs spa in the valley below. A Tibetain prayer pagoda at the top of the mountain. We saw lots of new construction in the area.  This is a typical Tibetain home being built. Brad and Andrea in a tea shop we visited. A Tibetian woman getting her horse ready to go for a ride. Fog on a small lake near Shangri-La Another view of the foggy lake. A Tibetain Farm on the lake. A small cave next to the lake.  Notice the Yak carcass by the water edge. A young Yak getting off the road. A mountain monastery visible in the distance. Women fixing garments in a streetside market. Claudette and Ardrea coming back from shopping. A young girl doing her homework! A cute little girl in the market place. Note the prayer wheels along the sides of the monument. A street vendor selling vegetables. A very large middle school complex. Some of the local horseback people taking a break. Our tour van during a roadside rest stop. A great view of the snowcapped mountains.
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